You ever feel like your business has gotten so complex that you can’t see all the moving parts, let alone figure out how to make them all work together?
That’s me. Like… a lot.
So, when I start getting all lost in the weeds, I like to just clear the slate and remind myself of the basics. This helps bring clarity to what I’m trying to do (and it’s more effective at stopping my anxiety than breathing into a paper bag).
So let’s do that with In-Person Sales today. Let’s go back to the basics. Like… the verrrrrry basics.
If I asked you what you need if you want to do IPS, you’d probably start listing things until you broke out into a cold sweat…
- Samples
- A projector
- Design software
- Sales software
- Price lists
- A sales meeting space
- and on and on and on…
But let’s make this even simpler. There are only FOUR things you need… that’s it.
Here they are…
- Products to sell
- Prices at which to sell those products
- A process to sell those products
- People to sell those products to
Is that way too simplified? Of course it is. But does it feel more attainable (and far less anxiety-inducing than the other list)? Yup. And that’s the point.
Just like we did with our goal setting and planning process, looking at In-Person Sales from a high-level allows us to break down each piece into much more actionable and bite-sized parts.
So that’s what we’re going to do every week for the next I-have-no-idea-but-probably-a-bajillion-or-so weeks.
We’re going to look at our list of four things – products, prices, process and people – and we’re going to break them down into smaller pieces, pieces that are far less intimidating.
Because, despite what all the “gurus” out there want you to think – In-Person Sales really is this simple.
Products. Prices. Process. People.
That’s it.
Next week, we start at the beginning. Excited? Tell a friend.